pmed.1004195.g001.tif (104.84 kB)

Schematic representation of the compartmental epidemiology of the stochastic individual-based model.

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posted on 2023-11-28, 19:26 authored by Alexandra B. Hogan, Sean L. Wu, Jaspreet Toor, Daniela Olivera Mesa, Patrick Doohan, Oliver J. Watson, Peter Winskill, Giovanni Charles, Gregory Barnsley, Eleanor M. Riley, David S. Khoury, Neil M. Ferguson, Azra C. Ghani

The green circle denotes the IL, which increases in response to both exposure to infection and to vaccination and wanes over time (see section on the Immunological Model). The IL is tracked for each individual in the model and influences the probability of being infected (from susceptible S to exposed E) and of developing disease requiring hospitalisation (Icase) given a breakthrough infection. Imild denotes mild symptomatic disease, Iasymp asymptomatic infection, Ihosp disease requiring hospitalisation (which is comprised of people requiring mechanical ventilation, people requiring oxygen, and people requiring neither), IICU disease requiring ICU admission, Irec stepdown from ICU, and D death. ICU, intensive care unit; IL, immunity level.
