pone.0261229.g003.tif (485.39 kB)

Schematic representation of the Spike glycoprotein and the rare mutations highlighted by NGS.

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posted on 2021-12-14, 18:22 authored by Catia Mio, Chiara Dal Secco, Stefania Marzinotto, Claudio Bruno, Santa Pimpo, Elena Betto, Martina Bertoni, Corrado Pipan, Emanuela Sozio, Carlo Tascini, Giuseppe Damante, Francesco Curcio

Cartoon describing the SARS-CoV-2 Spike glycoprotein 3D structure and its interaction with the cellular plasma membrane together with a graphical representation of Spike-related sequencing data. RBD: RNA binding domain; NTD: N-terminal domain; FP: fusion protein; TA: transmembrane anchor; IT: intracellular tail; S1: subunit 1; S2: subunit 2; HR1: heptad repeat region 1; HR2: heptad repeat region 2; the inverted black triangle represents the amino acid bridge. Created with
