pntd.0009602.s005.tif (2.46 MB)

Schematic representation of the RoK curve descriptors.

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posted on 2021-07-16, 17:44 authored by Juan Cantizani, Pablo Gamallo, Ignacio Cotillo, Raquel Alvarez-Velilla, Julio Martin

(A-B) Data of Fig 2 were used to illustrate the RoK curve descriptors. In blue ME_72h, in red Tlag_Cmax, in yellow MCC50 and in purple T50pct_Cmax. Definition of all RoK curve descriptors are included in Methods section of the manuscript. (C) For MCCE schema non-normalised data (i.e. average of amastigotes per cell) were used Area in blue corresponds to the AUC of control sample in the absence of compound. The time-course line in green corresponds to the lowest compound concentration that reduces by 50% the AUC of control sample, i.e. MCCE. AUC for MCEE is coloured in light green.

