pone.0297884.g001.tif (152.62 kB)

Schematic of tissue processing.

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posted on 2024-03-01, 18:26 authored by Omar Almomani, James Nnamutete, Zhongtian Shao, Victoria Menya Biribawa, HenryRoger Ssemunywa, Annemarie Namuniina, Brenda Okech, Sofya Ulanova, David Zuanazzi, Cindy M. Liu, Aaron A. R. Tobian, Ronald M. Galiwango, Rupert Kaul, Jessica L. Prodger

Samples were divided equally, with one portion processed for flow cytometry immediately and one cryopreserved for 2–5 days before processing. Both samples were digested to a single cell suspension by mechanical and enzymatic digestion (collagenase) in the presence of DNAse. Cell suspensions were filtered to remove debris, stained with fluorescently labeled antibodies against markers of interest, and analyzed using an LSRII flow cytometer (HI-FBS: heat-inactivated FBS). Created with
