pone.0297800.g001.tif (239.55 kB)

Schematic of the experimental setup.

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posted on 2024-02-08, 18:52 authored by Viktor Hartung, Anne Marie Augustin, Jan-Peter Grunz, Henner Huflage, Jan-Lucca Hennes, Florian Kleefeldt, Süleyman Ergün, Dominik Peter, Sven Lichthardt, Thorsten Alexander Bley, Philipp Gruschwitz

Right: Body donor in the angiography suite. Left: Perfusion circuit. The fluid reservoir (FLUID) compensates the loss of perfusion fluid during the examination. To perform digital subtraction angiography, contrast medium (IODINE) is manually injected via the working sheath and the resulting iodinated perfusion fluid is drained in a bag (WASTE). The WORKING SHEATH is used as vascular access to perform interventions.
