pone.0297666.s001.tif (15.93 MB)

STB assay protocols.

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posted on 2024-02-20, 18:40 authored by Franz S. Gruber, Anthony Richardson, Zoe C. Johnston, Rachel Myles, Neil R. Norcross, David P. Day, Irene Georgiou, Laura Sesma-Sanz, Caroline Wilson, Kevin D. Read, Sarah Martins da Silva, Christopher L. R. Barratt, Ian H. Gilbert, Jason R. Swedlow

(a) Diagram showing sperm motility assays run on high-content microscope with compound incubation time/read-out time. Motility assays were run under non-capacitating conditions, with a 1 hour recovery phase after preparation of spermatozoa. Capacitation assays were run under capacitating conditions. Spermatozoa are capacitated for 30 min prior to compound incubation. (b) Diagram showing assays run on high-throughput flow cytometer to measure acrosome status and sperm viability. Incubation time with compound, agonist and read-out times are indicated. Acrosome assays run under capacitating conditions. Sperm viability assay run under non-capacitating condition. (c) Additional assays performed on sperm toolbox compounds.

