ppat.1008031.g005.tif (1.9 MB)

SPR analysis of TD4 and Int280 binding to TirM.

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posted on 2019-08-29, 17:43 authored by David Ruano-Gallego, Daniel A. Yara, Lorenza Di Ianni, Gad Frankel, Stephanie Schüller, Luis Ángel Fernández

A. Change in resonance units (RU) with time (sensograms) obtained with purified Int280EHEC (at the indicated concentrations) passed through a streptavidin chip coated with biotinylated TirMEHEC. Sensograms were used to calculate the kinetic constants of association (kon) and dissociation (koff), and the equilibrium dissociation constant (KD) using the BiaEvaluation software. The curves were fitted to a model 1:1 Langmuir interaction (black lines) for the calculation. B. Sensograms obtained with purified TD4-HlyA (at the indicated concentrations) passed through a streptavidin chip coated with biotinylated TirMEHEC. The absence of significant dissociation preclude the calculation of kinetic constant of dissociation (koff). The RU shift near the steady state (at 400 s, indicated with a rectangle) were used to estimate an apparent constant of dissociation (KD) of TD4-HlyA for TirMEHEC representing the shift in RU values vs concentration of TD4-HlyA (graph on the right). C. Sensograms showing binding to TirMEHEC by 40 nM of TD4 followed by HEPES buffer (green line) or 40 nM TD4 followed by 80 nM Int280EHEC (red line). The blue line represents the sensogram obtained by 80 nM Int280EHEC (without TD4) followed by HEPES buffer. The black arrows indicate the time of injection of HEPES buffer. The red arrow indicates the time of injection of Int280EHEC in the chip in which TD4 was previously injected.
