pone.0240763.g004.tif (842.4 kB)

SEM characterization of precipitated crystals for unseeded and seeded samples for high bacterial concentration (D1-C1) and lower bacterial cell concentration (D3-C1). CaCO3 crystals that originated from MICP processes are marked with MICP in the SEM micrographs.

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posted on 2021-02-09, 18:29 authored by Jennifer Zehner, Anja Røyne, Pawel Sikorski

(a) MICP induced calcite crystals for D1-C1 in unseeded experiments. Imprints of bacteria can be identified on the surface. (b) Bottom of the crystal for D1-C1 (unseeded), where the amorphous phase is enclosed in the calcite crystal. (c) MICP induced calcite crystals for D3-C1 in unseeded experiments and (d) the bottom of the crystals for D3-C1 in unseeded experiments, where no amorphous phase was detected. (e,f) Seeded samples for D1-C1. Initial calcite seeds (that did not grow during the experiment) and the MICP induced CaCO3 can be seen. (g,h) Initial calcite seeds (that did not grew during the experiment) and the precipitated CaCO3 can be seen. The initial calcite seeds can be identified within the precipitated CaCO3. Before SEM characterization, the crystals were transferred from the well plate to filter paper for drying. The crystals were not washed before SEM characterization. Needle-like crystals on the calcite surfaces are most likely calcium lactate, as this phase is expected in the precipitated samples.
