pmed.1003415.g003.tif (255.21 kB)

SARS-CoV-2 real-time PCR in nasopharyngeal samples.

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posted on 2021-03-03, 21:05 authored by María Elvira Balcells, Luis Rojas, Nicole Le Corre, Constanza Martínez-Valdebenito, María Elena Ceballos, Marcela Ferrés, Mayling Chang, Cecilia Vizcaya, Sebastián Mondaca, Álvaro Huete, Ricardo Castro, Mauricio Sarmiento, Luis Villarroel, Alejandra Pizarro, Patricio Ross, Jaime Santander, Bárbara Lara, Marcela Ferrada, Sergio Vargas-Salas, Carolina Beltrán-Pavez, Ricardo Soto-Rifo, Fernando Valiente-Echeverría, Christian Caglevic, Mauricio Mahave, Carolina Selman, Raimundo Gazitúa, José Luis Briones, Franz Villarroel-Espindola, Carlos Balmaceda, Manuel A. Espinoza, Jaime Pereira, Bruno Nervi

(A) Each column represents the real-time PCR results obtained in patients from the early plasma group and deferred plasma group. Above the columns, the number of samples is indicated. The proportion of positive PCR is represented in white, negative PCR in black, and an indeterminate result (CT ≥ 35) dotted. (B) Changes in real-time PCR CT for patients from the early plasma group and for the subset of patients from the deferred plasma group that did not receive plasma before day 3 or day 7. Results are expressed as the ratio between CT values from day 0 (D0) to day 3 (D3) and D0 to day 7 (D7). Filled circles represent each patient from the early plasma group, and open circles represent patients from the deferred plasma group. Above the scatter plots, the number of available samples is indicated; lines represent the medians. CP, convalescent plasma; CT, cycle threshold.
