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posted on 2021-09-08, 17:25 authored by Siddharth Jain, Bijan Mazaheri, Netanel Raviv, Jehoshua Bruck

Accuracy, Sensitivity and Specificity for Pairwise and Multi Classifiers among different cancer types: Seriation diagram for the pairwise classifiers showing the presence of distinguishing signal between GBM and other cancer types (darker cells) using (a) Mean Validation accuracy and (b) Sensitivity and Specificity. Mean validation accuracy ranges from 69% to 88% when GBM is compared against different cancers in (a). Mean sensitivity ranges from 72% to 82% when GBM is compared against other cancers in (b). Mean specificity ranges from 66% to 93% when GBM is compared against different cancers in (b). A multiclassifier built to compare mutation profiles of GBM patients with other cancer types, here we show that the mutliclassifier is successful in classifying GBM patients using the Multiclassification probability profile in (c).

