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posted on 2024-03-07, 19:03 authored by Shreyas Niphadkar, Lavanya Karinje, Sunil Laxman

A) Relative trehalose levels in WT, ppg1Δ, and far9Δ cells after 24hrs of growth in YPD medium. Data represented as a mean ± SD (n = 3). *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, and ***P< 0.001; n.s., non-significant difference, calculated using unpaired Student’s t tests. B) The growth of far8Δ, and far11Δ cells in presence of Congo red. A serial dilution growth assay was carried out in presence of Congo red using WT, ppg1Δ, far8Δ, and far11Δ cells. Congo red was used at a final concentration of 400 μg/ml. The images were taken after 60hrs of growth. A representative image is shown (n = 3).

