pbio.3002359.s003.tif (14.58 MB)

S3 Fig -

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posted on 2023-11-07, 18:22 authored by Mroj Alassaf, Akhila Rajan

(A) Confocal images of the antennal lobe region of flies fed an ND or an HSD for 2 weeks that were immunostained with anti-Draper. (B) Mean fluorescent intensity of Draper measured within a region of interest (white box) that coincides with the location of ensheathing glia in ND and HSD-fed flies. Measurements were obtained from a Z-stack summation projection that spans the entire depth of the antennal lobe. Student t test with Welch’s correction. N = each circle represents an individual fly. The data underlying this figure can be found in the Supporting information file S6 Data.

