pone.0249959.s003.tiff (544.09 kB)

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posted on 2021-05-04, 17:30 authored by Alison J. O’Donnell, Michael Renton, Kathryn J. Allen, Pauline F. Grierson

Measures of signal strength, the expressed population signal (EPS) and the RBAR, and the sample depth (n) of each of the a) LTY, b) LDE and c) CHR chronologies for the period > 1900 CE. RBAR provides an indication of chronology signal strength (common variance) and is independent of sample size [67]. The EPS provides an indication of the likely loss of reconstruction accuracy as a function of RBAR and sample size, measuring how well the finite-sample chronology compares with the theoretical population chronology based on an infinite number of trees [68].

