pone.0292330.s002.tif (316.82 kB)

Robustness checks based on prior specification for the subgroup Bayesian one-sample t-tests.

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posted on 2023-12-29, 18:27 authored by Oliver H. M. Lasnick, Roeland Hancock, Fumiko Hoeft

Plots for each group t-test show how sensitive the Bayes factor is to changes in the initial Cauchy prior width (X-axis). Y-axis indicates the value of the Bayes factor with the given prior; the ordinal scale on the right (‘Evidence’) is a colloquial interpretation for the corresponding y-value. Reported results in the main text are derived from the default user prior (gray dot). (a) = TRs; (b) = RD-full; (c) = RD-only subgroup.

