pone.0248260.s006.tiff (1.12 MB)

Reverse tumor-inhibitory function of N1IC-GFP/MAF by DN-MAML-1.

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posted on 2021-03-11, 18:45 authored by Hongwei Shao, Mecker Moller, Long Cai, Rochelle Prokupets, Cuixia Yang, Connor Costa, Kerstin Yu, Nga Le, Zhao-Jun Liu

The effects of conditioned medium (CM) derived from DN-MAML-1/N1IC-GFP/MAF vs. Mock/N1IC-GFP/MAF on growth of melanoma cells were determined by WST cell proliferation assay. CM from DN-MAML-1/N1IC-GFP/MAF could significantly relieve tumor-inhibitory effect of N1IC-GFP/MAF on melanoma cell growth. Experiments were repeated three times. * P<0.01.

