pone.0262519.g003.tif (329.32 kB)

Results of the ambulatory interdialytic assessments of blood pressure and vascular stiffness metrics in fluid overloaded and non-fluid overloaded HD patients.

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posted on 2022-02-03, 18:43 authored by Aya Lafta, Judy Ukrainetz, Sara Davison, Stephanie Thompson, Aminu Bello, Branko Braam

The 24-hour mean systolic blood pressure (SBP) and mean arterial pressure (MAP), but not diastolic blood pressure (DBP), were higher in fluid overloaded HD (black bar) versus non-fluid overloaded HD patients (grey bar) (A). No significant difference in the 24-hour mean pulse wave velocity (PWV) was shown between fluid overloaded HD and non-fluid overloaded HD patients (B). The 24-hour mean augmentation index (AIx) was higher in fluid overloaded HD than non-fluid overloaded HD patients (C). There were no clear changes in the 24-hour PWV (D) and AIx (E) in the two HD groups.
