pone.0279229.g005.tif (1.12 MB)

Results of scenario analyses.

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posted on 2022-12-20, 18:32 authored by Benjamin Ruban-Fell, George Attilakos, Tao Haskins-Coulter, Christopher Hyde, Jeanette Kusel, Anne Mackie, Oliver Rivero-Arias, Basky Thilaganathan, Nigel Thomson, Cristina Visintin, John Marshall

Alternative Inputs Scenario: Incorporation of alternative inputs based on alternate literature values. VP Test Accuracy Scenario: Higher test sensitivity for TAS and TVS for VP. Structural Scenario 1: Removal of TAS for VP at 32 weeks. Structural Scenario 2: Combined IVF- and LLP-based pathway. Abbreviations: BL/S, bilobed or succenturiate; IVF, in vitro fertilisation; LLP, low-lying placenta; TAS, transabdominal sonography; TVS, transvaginal sonography; UKOSS, UK Obstetric Surveillance System; VCI, velamentous cord insertion; VP, vasa praevia.
