pgen.1009993.s007.tif (3.63 MB)

Residues critical for B. subtilis RodA function and their location in a model of the B. subtilis RodA structure predicted by AlphaFold2.

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posted on 2022-01-05, 18:35 authored by Ying Li, Adrien Boes, Yuanyuan Cui, Shan Zhao, Qingzhen Liao, Han Gong, Eefjan Breukink, Joe Lutkenhaus, Mohammed Terrak, Shishen Du

Mutability of critical residues of B. subtilis RodA were categorized based on previous Mutseq analysis [5]. Dominant-negative E. coli FtsW mutations isolated in this study that alter identical residues in B. subtilis RodA are indicated in parentheses. Residues critical for B. subtilis function are mapped to a model of RodA and the residues of FtsW whose substitutions displayed a dominant-negative effect are mapped to a model of FtsW. Red: immutable residues; magenta: residues that tolerate only conservative changes (dominant-negative mutations in FtsW); pink: residues with limited mutability.

