pcbi.1009728.g005.tif (349.73 kB)

Residence time of (A) platelets and (B) RBCs in four MA microchannels (MA1, BNR = 8; MA2, BNR = 5.4; MA3, BNR = 3; MA4, BNR = 2.2) under different inlet velocities during the simulation time of 1.3 seconds.

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posted on 2022-01-05, 18:26 authored by He Li, Yixiang Deng, Konstantina Sampani, Shengze Cai, Zhen Li, Jennifer K. Sun, George E. Karniadakis

RBCs that are initially placed in MAs are excluded from the measurements. The residence time is recorded as the time elapse between the moment when RBCs/platelets enter the MAs and the moment when they exist the MAs. The error bars are computed based on measurements of 20 platelets and 26 RBCs from simulations. The orange cross symbols represent the measurements from the microfluidic experiments performed in Cai et al. [54] and their values are represented by y-axis on the right. The scatter points in (A) represent the measurements of the residence time of 15 platelets tracked in six microchannels with varying BNRs (BNR = 1.5, 2, 2.5, 2.75, 3.6 and 5). The error bars in (B) are computed based on measurements of 20 RBCs randomly selected in each of six microchannels examined in [54].
