pgen.1009821.s008.png (567.47 kB)

Reproducibility of RNA-Seq library constructed from RNAs prepared using different experimental conditions of RiboRid.

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posted on 2021-09-27, 17:43 authored by Donghui Choe, Richard Szubin, Saugat Poudel, Anand Sastry, Yoseb Song, Yongjae Lee, Suhyung Cho, Bernhard Palsson, Byung-Kwan Cho

(A) Reproducibility of RNA-Seq with different combination of input RNA, amount of ArOP used, and reaction temperature of performing RiboRid. (B) Pairwise comparison between gene expression levels measured by two different technical replicates of RNA-Seq results. (C) Reproducibility of RNA-Seq prepared from the standard RiboRid method using column or the method with C3 spacer-modified ArOPs and SPRI bead-based purification.

