pone.0254165.g001.tif (5.33 MB)

Representative scanning electron microscopy images of the cells following HMDS10 drying, and CPD-LT and CPD.

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posted on 2021-07-08, 01:00 authored by Moritz Schu, Emmanuel Terriac, Marcus Koch, Stephan Paschke, Franziska Lautenschläger, Daniel A. D. Flormann

Entire cell: whole cell images; magnification, 5k×. Blue boxes, areas defined for nucleus images; red boxes, areas defined for perinucleus images. Nucleus: magnification, 10×. Perinucleus: magnification, 80k×. Perinucleus traced: with software vectorial tracing (red); magnification, 80k×. Scale bars: 20 μm (entire cell); 5 μm (nucleus); 1 μm (perinucleus, perinucleus tracing).
