pgen.1011116.s002.tif (3.34 MB)

Repeat distributions in the genomes of four filarial nematode species.

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posted on 2024-01-16, 18:31 authored by Lewis Stevens, Manuela Kieninger, Brian Chan, Jonathan M. D. Wood, Pablo Gonzalez de la Rosa, Judith Allen, Mark Blaxter

Repeat and Nigon element distributions in the genomes of (A) L. sigmodontis, (B) D. immitis, (C) O. volvulus, and (D) B. malayi. Repetitive sequences were identified using Red with a k-mer length of 13 and repeat densities were calculated in 200 kb, non-overlapping windows. Lines represent LOESS smoothing functions fitted to the data. Distribution of counts of BUSCO genes in 500 kb windows in the six L. sigmodontis chromosomes by their allocation to the seven Nigon elements (coloured as in Fig 1C). The repetitive proportion estimated for L. sigmodontis genome by Red (44%) is substantially higher than estimated using Earl Grey (6%), which is likely due to Earl Grey being designed to identify full-length transposable elements, whereas Red identifies repetitive sequences of any size, the majority of which are not transposable elements.

