pone.0294926.g001.tif (559.94 kB)

Renal betaine transporters’ genes and protein expression.

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posted on 2024-01-02, 18:57 authored by Izabella Mogilnicka, Kinga Jaworska, Mateusz Koper, Klaudia Maksymiuk, Mateusz Szudzik, Mariusz Radkiewicz, Dawid Chabowski, Marcin Ufnal

(A) RT-qPCR analysis of SLC6a12 (BGT1) and SLC6a20 (SIT1) transcript levels in the renal cortex and renal medulla in SHR and WKY rats. (B) Western blot analysis of SLC6a12 (BGT1) and SLC6a20 (SIT1) protein levels from total protein extract prepared from the kidneys. A representative immunoblot is shown. Immunolabeled SLC6a12, SLC6a20, and beta-actin loading control bands were quantified using Molecular Imager. The figure presents relative levels of the test proteins and mRNA levels plotted in arbitrary units; n = 5–6 for each group.
