pone.0257923.g005.tif (390.72 kB)

Relative privacy concerns when information is collected for research purposes.

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posted on 2021-10-14, 17:36 authored by Sara H. Katsanis, Peter Claes, Megan Doerr, Robert Cook-Deegan, Jessica D. Tenenbaum, Barbara J. Evans, Myoung Keun Lee, Joel Anderton, Seth M. Weinberg, Jennifer K. Wagner

The darkest shade of blue denotes equal concern for the three types of research resources (medical records, DNA, and facial images). The second darkest shade of blue denotes those whose concerns for medical records were stronger (more) than their concerns about either facial images or DNA. The second lightest shade of blue denotes those whose concerns for facial images were stronger (more) than their concerns about either medical records or DNA. The lightest shade of blue denotes those whose concerns for DNA were stronger (more) than their concerns about either medical records or facial images.
