pone.0279085.g002.tif (858.43 kB)

Relationships between baseline circulating plasma glucoregulatory biomarkers, the rate of insulin secretion and indices of insulin sensitivity with MR-determined percentage pancreatic fat in all women (n = 10 Caucasian women open triangles; n = 9 Chinese women solid triangles).

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posted on 2022-12-30, 19:04 authored by Ivana R. Sequeira, Wilson Yip, Louise W. Lu, Yannan Jiang, Rinki Murphy, Lindsay D. Plank, Garth J. S. Cooper, Carl N. Peters, Benjamin S. Aribsala, Kieren G. Hollingsworth, Sally D. Poppitt

Relationships between baseline circulating plasma glucoregulatory biomarkers, the rate of insulin secretion and indices of insulin sensitivity with MR-determined percentage pancreatic fat in all women (n = 10 Caucasian women open triangles; n = 9 Chinese women solid triangles).
