pgen.1009254.s002.tif (392.89 kB)

Regional association plot at 2q33.1.

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posted on 2021-03-05, 18:38 authored by Corina Lesseur, Aida Ferreiro-Iglesias, James D. McKay, Yohan Bossé, Mattias Johansson, Valerie Gaborieau, Maria Teresa Landi, David C. Christiani, Neil C. Caporaso, Stig E. Bojesen, Christopher I. Amos, Sanjay Shete, Geoffrey Liu, Gadi Rennert, Demetrius Albanes, Melinda C. Aldrich, Adonina Tardon, Chu Chen, Liloglou Triantafillos, John K. Field, Marion Dawn Teare, Lambertus A. Kiemeney, Brenda Diergaarde, Robert L. Ferris, Shanbeh Zienolddiny, Stephen Lam, Andrew F. Olshan, Mark C. Weissler, Martin Lacko, Angela Risch, Heike Bickeböller, Andy R. Ness, Steve Thomas, Loic Le Marchand, Matthew B. Schabath, Victor Wünsch-Filho, Eloiza H. Tajara, Angeline S. Andrew, Gary M. Clifford, Philip Lazarus, Kjell Grankvist, Mikael Johansson, Susanne Arnold, Olle Melander, Hans Brunnström, Stefania Boccia, Gabriella Cadoni, Wim Timens, Ma’en Obeidat, Xiangjun Xiao, Richard S. Houlston, Rayjean J. Hung, Paul Brennan

Chromosome positions (x-axis) and -log10 P-value (y-axis) SqCC meta-analysis at 2q33.1. Genetic variants colored red according to their LD with rs56321285 (2q33.1 lead SNP) and colored in blue according to LD values with second lead SNP rs1830298. rs563321285 and rs1830298 r2 = 0.02.

