pgen.1009821.s005.png (127.52 kB)

Read length distributions of RNA-Seq performed from RNA samples prepared by different rRNA removal method.

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posted on 2021-09-27, 17:42 authored by Donghui Choe, Richard Szubin, Saugat Poudel, Anand Sastry, Yoseb Song, Yongjae Lee, Suhyung Cho, Bernhard Palsson, Byung-Kwan Cho

Read length distributions of (A) rRNA reads and (B) non-rRNA reads detected by RNA-Seq of RNA samples without rRNA removal or treated with MICROBExpress. Read length distributions of (C) rRNA reads and (D) non-rRNA reads detected by RNA-Seq of RNA samples prepared by Ribo-Zero, RiboErase, or RiboRid.

