pone.0248034.s004.tif (7.05 MB)

RORγt inhibitors IC50 values for inhibition of IL-17A production in human Th17 cell cultures.

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posted on 2021-11-09, 18:32 authored by Steven A. Saenz, Andrea Local, Tiffany Carr, Arvind Shakya, Shivsmriti Koul, Haiqing Hu, Lisa Chourb, Justin Stedman, Jenna Malley, Laura Akullian D’Agostino, Veerabahu Shanmugasundaram, John Malona, C. Eric Schwartz, Lisa Beebe, Meghan Clements, Ganesh Rajaraman, John Cho, Lan Jiang, Alex Dubrovskiy, Matt Kreilein, Roman Shimanovich, Lawrence G. Hamann, Laure Escoubet, J. Michael Ellis

Concentrations of RORγt inhibitors Compound 1, Compound 2 or Compound 3 in which 50% (IC50) IL-17A cytokine was inhibited in Th17 differentiation or Th17 maintenance assays.

