pone.0292376.g003.tif (192.09 kB)

RFID monitoring of worker activities outside the colony in tagged workers from imidacloprid-supplemented and unsupplemented colonies.

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posted on 2024-01-02, 18:51 authored by Mark J. Carroll, Nicholas J. Brown, Dylan Reitz

RFID-tagged workers were monitored for a) their minimum adult longevity (last day detected) and b) the amount of time they spent outside the colony for up to 37 days after adult emergence. Error bars are S.E. (monitored workers n = 99 (0 ppb imidacloprid in sugar syrup), n = 112 (20 ppb), or n = 123(100 ppb)). For a given metric, treatment groups with different letters are significantly different by DSCF (colony ranks).
