pone.0244868.g001.tif (1.57 MB)

REBA app for intraoperative observation of ergonomic risk assessment severity.

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posted on 2021-02-09, 18:31 authored by Ksenia A. Aaron, John Vaughan, Raghav Gupta, Noor-E-Seher Ali, Alicia H. Beth, Justin M. Moore, Yifei Ma, Iram Ahmad, Robert K. Jackler, Yona Vaisbuch

(A and B) REBA score for limbs as well as for the head and neck evaluation. (C) Activity score. (D) The REBA final risk level assessment score and recommendation, provided at the end of the assessment where the color represents severity risk as follows: green = low risk (3 or less), yellow = medium risk (4–7), orange = high risk (8–10), red = very‐high risk (11 and above).
