pone.0298042.g002.tif (2.7 MB)

Quantitative analyses depicted as histograms to illustrate that therapeutic interventions promote systemic dissemination of human DNA and human c-Myc oncoprotein to mouse brain cells, and that these can be prevented by concurrent treatment with three different cfChPs deactivating agents.

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posted on 2024-02-12, 18:23 authored by Gorantla V. Raghuram, Kavita Pal, Gaurav Sriram, Afzal Khan, Ruchi Joshi, Vishalkumar Jadhav, Sushma Shinde, Alfina Shaikh, Bhagyeshri Rane, Harshada Kangne, Indraneel Mittra

All groups had 4 mice each. a. Detection of human DNA by FISH b. Detection of human c-Myc onco-protein by immunofluorescence. Statistical comparison between the xenograft bearing group and the two control groups, and that between the xenograft bearing group and the three anticancer treatment groups (CT, RT and Sx) was done by two-tailed student t-test. * < 0.05, ** < 0.01, *** <0.001, **** <0.0001. Statistical comparison between the three anti-cancer treatment groups (CT, RT and Sx) and those additionally treated with the three cfChPs deactivating agents was done by One-way ANOVA. * < 0.05, ** < 0.01.
