pgen.1009247.s003.tif (6.35 MB)

Quantitation of CID level in GSCs and CBs at S-phase.

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posted on 2021-05-20, 17:28 authored by Ben L. Carty, Anna A. Dattoli, Elaine M. Dunleavy

Quantitation of total CID fluorescent intensity (integrated density) in S-phase GSCs and CBs in nanos-GAL4 and (A) CENP-C RNAi or (B) HA-CENP-C or (C) HA-CENP-C; CENP-C RNAi (rescue). Each point represents the total CID integrated density per GSC/CB nucleus. **p<0.01. ns = non-significant. Error bars = SEM. (D-G, H-K) nanos-GAL4; tub-GAL80ts and (D’-G’, H’-K’) nanos-GAL4; tub-GAL80ts driven CENP-C RNAi stained with VASA (cyan), 1B1 (red) and CENP-C (yellow). Progeny were analysed at 5 (5d, D-G’) and 15 days (15d, H-K’) post eclosion. White circle outlines CENP-C depleted regions. * denotes cap cells. Scale bar = 20 μm.

