pone.0299720.g001.tif (3.57 MB)

Quality control of the datasets.

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posted on 2024-03-01, 18:32 authored by Jian Wen, Lijia Wan, Xieping Dong

(A) Gene expression profile of the ES samples in GSE17679 by boxplot. (B) Gene expression profile of the ES samples in GSE17679 by density plot. (C) Gene expression profile of the samples in GSE68776 by the boxplot. (D) Gene expression profile of the samples in GSE68776 by density plot. (E) Gene expression profile of the samples in GSE63155 by boxplot. (F) Gene expression profile of the samples in GSE63155 by density plot. (G) Gene expression profile of the samples in GSE63156 by boxplot. (H) Gene expression profile of the samples in GSE63156 by density plot. ES, Ewing sarcoma.
