ppat.1009396.s001.tif (560.77 kB)

Qualities of the cryo-EM maps.

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posted on 2021-03-17, 17:40 authored by Qianqian Shao, Xudong Jia, Yuanzhu Gao, Zhe Liu, Huan Zhang, Qiqi Tan, Xin Zhang, Huiqiong Zhou, Yinyin Li, De Wu, Qinfen Zhang

(A) Fourier shell curves of the OmRV-LZ full particle with the protrusion (2.79 Å), full particle without the protrusion (2.95 Å), empty particle with the protrusion (3.40 Å) and the protrusion structure obtained from C5 reconstruction (4.10 Å). (B) Representative atomic models and the corresponding cryo-EM maps of the α-helix and several residues with large sidechains.

