pcbi.1009812.s016.tif (1.26 MB)

Putative causality networks for the Cell Vertex Model (CVM) and Apposed-Cortex Adhesion Model (ACAM).

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posted on 2022-01-28, 18:39 authored by Alexander Nestor-Bergmann, Guy B. Blanchard, Nathan Hervieux, Alexander G. Fletcher, Jocelyn Étienne, Bénédicte Sanson

Notice that, for the ACAM, all parent nodes are linked to model parameters that regulate subcellualr properties, such that all derived cell-level behaviours are can be traced back to subcellular mechanics. For the CVM, cell-cell tension transmission and neighbour exchange behaviours cannot be regulated in the model. Furthermore, the parent nodes of the CVM relate to cell-level, rather than subcellular, properties. Red arrows highlight loops in the network.

