ppat.1011983.g006.tif (826.34 kB)

Pseudotime trajectory and TCR clonal type analyses reveal CD4 T cell differentiation and clonal expansion profiles in WT and Bhlhe40-/- mice.

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posted on 2024-01-25, 18:46 authored by Miguel A. B. Mercado, Qiang Li, Charles M. Quick, Yejin Kim, Rachel Palmer, Lu Huang, Lin-Xi Li

(A) Pseudotime trajectory analysis of CD4 T cell clusters in Fig 5 as conducted using Monocle 3. (B) WT and Bhlhe40-/- CD4 T cells were binned into quartiles based on clonotype abundance. Shaded area represents the top 25% (expanders). (C) UMAP showing the expanders in WT and Bhlhe40-/- CD4 T cell clusters. (D) Frequencies of expanders in each cluster in WT and Bhlhe40-/- CD4 T cells.
