ppat.1012078.s008.tif (110.67 kB)

PsdR regulates the transcription of PA4677.

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posted on 2024-03-14, 17:47 authored by Huifang Qiu, Yuanhao Li, Min Yuan, Huali Chen, Ajai A. Dandekar, Weijun Dai

PsdR regulates the transcription of the PA4677 gene, specifically controlled by LasR. The expression level of PA4677 was estimated with the help of PPA4677-GFP, a PA4677 promoter-GFP fusion construct. Strains carrying PPA4677-GFP were grown in casamino acids medium at 37°C for 12 h. The expression level of GFP in each strain was quantified using a microreader and reported as relative fluorescence units divided by OD600. Data of indicated strains are presented as mean ± SD (n ≧ 4).

