pone.0245361.s006.tif (4.67 MB)

Proteomic experimental reproducibility.

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posted on 2021-08-24, 17:32 authored by Eun Na Kim, Jiyoung Yu, Joon Seo Lim, Hwangkyo Jeong, Chong Jai Kim, Jae-Sung Choi, So Ra Kim, Hee-Sung Ahn, Kyunggon Kim, Se Jin Oh

(a) Box plots of log2 protein intensity average in each sample. Distribution of the protein abundance in triplicate samples showing consistent and reproducible results with high quality. (b) Pearson correlations between triplicate MS analysis showing a high correlation (R: 0.93). Rows and columns represent samples, and each square shows the correlation coefficients among the triplicate samples. ***P<0.001 among triplicate samples.

