pbio.3001043.s009.tif (8.12 MB)

Prolonged GUS staining of second generation MIR172-NVG transgenic lines grown in LD conditions.

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posted on 2021-02-02, 18:25 authored by Diarmuid S. Ó’Maoiléidigh, Annabel D. van Driel, Anamika Singh, Qing Sang, Nolwenn Le Bec, Coral Vincent, Enric Bertran Garcia de Olalla, Alice Vayssières, Maida Romera Branchat, Edouard Severing, Rafael Martinez Gallegos, George Coupland

Photographs of overnight GUS staining of 3 independent second generation transformants for (A–C) MIR172A-NVG, (D, E) MIR172B-NVG, (G, I) MIR172C-NVG, (L–N) MIR172D-NVG, and (J, K) 2 independent second generation transformants grown under LD conditions and harvested 21 d after germination. (O) A graph indicating the log2 TP2M for each miR172 isoform in the leaves of A. thaliana (data from [56]). Note that the isoform arising from MIR172A and MIR172B, and MIR172C and MIR172D, are identical, respectively. Data underlying panel O are provided in S1 Data. GUS, β-glucuronidase enzyme; LD, long-day; NVG, NLS-Venus-GUS; TP2M, transcripts per 2 million.

