pone.0257250.g001.tif (379.21 kB)

Process phases.

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posted on 2021-09-10, 17:44 authored by Giulia Malfatti, Elisabetta Racano, Roberta Delle Site, Lorenzo Gios, Stefano Micocci, Marco Dianti, Pietro Benedetto Molini, Francesca Allegrini, Mariangela Ravagni, Monica Moz, Andrea Nicolini, Federica Romanelli

a sequential approach was adopted. The first phase consisted in the requirements analysis followed by the co-design of the technological solution and definition of the operative protocol for teleophthalmology. The third phase comprised the implementation of the digital solution (TreC Oculistica system) and the fourth phase the testing of the system and protocol. A continuous exchange of feedback between the implementation and testing phases allowed to identify and implement possible improvements.
