pcbi.1009728.g004.tif (414.6 kB)

Probability of platelets entering the four examined MAs (MA1, BNR = 8; MA2, BNR = 5.4; MA3, BNR = 3; MA4, BNR = 2.2) under four different inlet velocities.

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posted on 2022-01-05, 18:26 authored by He Li, Yixiang Deng, Konstantina Sampani, Shengze Cai, Zhen Li, Jennifer K. Sun, George E. Karniadakis

The probability is represented by the ratio between the number of times that the platelets travelled into the MA and the total number of platelet passage through the MA channel. The results suggest that higher inlet velocity leads to larger probability of platelets entering MAs for the four examined MAs.
