pone.0255598.g002.tif (240.99 kB)

Probability of direction and the magnitude of the effect for each predictor included in the study.

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posted on 2021-08-10, 17:29 authored by Matteo P. Lisi, Marina Scattolin, Martina Fusaro, Salvatore Maria Aglioti

The y-axis indicates the predictors and the x-axis indicates the possible parameter values. The color indicates the direction of the effect: black stands for a negative direction (reduction of IPD), while gray represents a positive direction (enlargement of IPD). The effect of the parameters included in the final model whose HDI are completely outside of zero are marked with “-” (if the direction of the effect is negative) or a “+” (if the direction of the effect is positive). The interaction between COVID-19 Test Result and Protective Equipment and the interaction between Participant’s Gender and Other Avatar’s Gender are better explained by the contrasts between all levels of the factors (COVID-19 Test Result: Protective Equipment see Table 4 and Fig 3; Participant’s Gender: Other Avatar’s Gender see Table 5).
