pone.0257923.g001.tif (275.07 kB)

Privacy concerns regarding the use and sharing of facial images and facial imaging data in health research.

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posted on 2021-10-14, 17:36 authored by Sara H. Katsanis, Peter Claes, Megan Doerr, Robert Cook-Deegan, Jessica D. Tenenbaum, Barbara J. Evans, Myoung Keun Lee, Joel Anderton, Seth M. Weinberg, Jennifer K. Wagner

Respondents were asked the following question: “There are many different types of facial imaging, and the ability to identify an individual from these different types varies. In health research, names and other identifying information are removed from facial imaging to preserve the privacy of the individual. However, reidentification is sometimes possible. Imagine that you are participating in health research involving facial images and facial imaging data. Based on what you know, how concerned are you about your privacy if the following are used and shared as part of that health research?” Proportion of respondents indicating they were very concerned (dark orange), somewhat concerned (light orange), not too concerned (light blue), and not at all concerned (dark blue) are displayed along with item nonresponses (gray).
