pntd.0009425.s003.tif (694.24 kB)

Primary cultures from C56BL/6 brain embryos are composed predominantly by neurons.

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posted on 2021-05-28, 17:43 authored by Sergio P. Alpuche-Lazcano, James Saliba, Vivian V. Costa, Gabriel H. Campolina-Silva, Fernanda M. Marim, Lucas S. Ribeiro, Volker Blank, Andrew J. Mouland, Mauro M. Teixeira, Anne Gatignol

Fetal neuronal cultures were prepared from the cerebral cortex and striatal regions of mouse embryos (E15) and checked for the expression of neuronal and glial cell markers. A) Immunofluorescence assay showing that cultured cells stain for the neuron-specific marker NeuN. Lower insert represents negative control. B) Western blotting highlighting the absence of expression of astrocyte (Gfap) and microglia (Iba1) markers in the cultured neuronal system. Brain protein extract was used as positive control. The pictures are representative of three independent assays.

