pone.0294483.g001.tif (316.48 kB)

Prevalence of polysubstance use stratified by clinical and demographic characteristics, among 2865 persons with HIV in Kaiser Permanente Northern California, 2018–2020.

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posted on 2023-11-28, 19:17 authored by Thibaut Davy-Mendez, Varada Sarovar, Tory Levine-Hall, Alexandra N. Lea, Amy S. Leibowitz, Mitchell N. Luu, Jason A. Flamm, C. Bradley Hare, Jaime Dumoit Smith, Esti Iturralde, James Dilley, Michael J. Silverberg, Derek D. Satre

Polysubstance use was defined as a TAPS score ≥1 for two or more substances. Abbreviations: API, Asian or Pacific Islander; Hetero., heterosexual; IDU, injection drug use; MSM, men who have sex with men. * denotes P<0.05 from Χ2 tests.
