pone.0259652.g001.tif (1.77 MB)

Prevalence of AF (atrial fibrillation) for females and males in different age decades (45–54, 55–64, 65+) classified according to the degrees of periodontitis none/mild and severe/moderate.

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posted on 2021-11-22, 18:27 authored by Julia Struppek, Renate B. Schnabel, Carolin Walther, Guido Heydecke, Udo Seedorf, Ragna Lamprecht, Ralf Smeets, Katrin Borof, Tanja Zeller, Thomas Beikler, Christin S. Börschel, Mahir Karakas, Martin Gosau, Ghazal Aarabi

Prevalence of AF (atrial fibrillation) for females and males in different age decades (45–54, 55–64, 65+) classified according to the degrees of periodontitis none/mild and severe/moderate.
