pone.0248361.g002.tif (151.8 kB)

Predictions for air passengers in the U.S.

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posted on 2021-03-16, 17:25 authored by Fanyu Meng, Wenwu Gong, Jun Liang, Xian Li, Yiping Zeng, Lili Yang

An obvious decline in the number of American air passenger is observed from Feb to Apr, 2020 (from 59.8 to 2.6 million), and then the number fluates to 7.6 million in May. The number will keep dropping to 0 level if the intervention is valid till the end of 2020 (shown as the pink dashes), yet a rebound will occur in Sep at the end if the intervention ends after six-month (shown as the solid pink line).
