pone.0258469.g003.tif (927.36 kB)

Posterior, mid-posterior, central, and mid-anterior corpus callosal volume significantly decreased with increasing risk of environmental lead exposure.

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posted on 2021-10-14, 17:41 authored by Andrew T. Marshall, Rob McConnell, Bruce P. Lanphear, Wesley K. Thompson, Megan M. Herting, Elizabeth R. Sowell

These inverse associations were not significantly different between children from low-, mid-, and high-income families. Error bars represent ±1 between-subjects standard error of the observed means. The solid lines represent means of the marginal fitted values of the model; the shaded area surrounding the solid lines represent ±1 between-subjects standard error of those means. Age, sex, parental education, race, ethnicity, and intracranial volume were included as covariates in this analysis.
