pone.0294483.g002.tif (404.29 kB)

Polysubstance combinations among 757 persons with HIV screening positive for problem substance use for two or more substances.

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posted on 2023-11-28, 19:17 authored by Thibaut Davy-Mendez, Varada Sarovar, Tory Levine-Hall, Alexandra N. Lea, Amy S. Leibowitz, Mitchell N. Luu, Jason A. Flamm, C. Bradley Hare, Jaime Dumoit Smith, Esti Iturralde, James Dilley, Michael J. Silverberg, Derek D. Satre

A positive screen was defined as a score ≥1 on the Tobacco, Alcohol, Prescription medication and other Substance use (TAPS) questionnaire. Only combinations accounting for >1% of patients are displayed.
