pone.0260878.g003.tif (2.34 MB)

PodoPalld129-/- mice have effaced podocyte foot processes.

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posted on 2021-12-08, 18:29 authored by Nadine Artelt, Alina M. Ritter, Linda Leitermann, Felix Kliewe, Rabea Schlüter, Stefan Simm, Jens van den Brandt, Karlhans Endlich, Nicole Endlich

(A) Immunofluorescence staining of kidney sections shows a reduced expression of the slit membrane protein nephrin in PodoPalld129-/- mice compared with corresponding controls. Scale bar represents 20 μm. (B) Transmission electron micrographs (arrows) and (C) scanning electron micrographs (asterisks) revealed strongly effaced podocyte foot processes in PodoPalld129-/- mice. Scale bars represents 1 μm. (D) Quantification of foot process area confirmed the increased podocyte foot process effacement in 6 months as wells as 12 months old PodoPalld129-/- mice compared with corresponding controls. Data are represented as violin plot (**** p<0.0001; two-way ANOVA with FDR correction).
